Lovecraft rules!

This weekend was HP Lovecraft Film Festival, and man oh man, it was just as awesome as I hoped it would be. The Lovecraftian community is just such a great group of folks. Also, my lovely and talented friend Molly Tanzer was a guest at the convention, so we finally got to meet in person, which was absolutely divine.

Here’s a great picture of some of us Lovecraft eZine fans sporting our gear:

Me and the cool boys: Nick Gucker, Sam McCanna, Wilum Hopfrog Pugmire, Ross Lockhart, guy whose name I missed

Speaking of Lovecraft eZine, Nick (in the hat) illustrated my story in this month’s issue! I can’t get over how perfect that mushroom guy turned out–exactly as I pictured.

After all the insightful panels, great readings, and terrific films, I feel incredibly inspired to create, and incredibly proud to be a part of the Lovecraftian community. Ia ia Cthulhu fhtagn!

Got tentacles?

Today the fabulous Lovecraft eZine previewed its May issue, featuring all stories by female writers. I’m so excited that my story “God Serum” is going to be one of them!

Here’s the wonderful and slightly eerie cover art for the issue, by my friend and muse, Galen Dara:

I’m also excited because the weekend this story goes live is also the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival! I’m attending on Saturday as a fan, but I hope to run into you!

Grr: Check out “Mother Bears”!

I’ve got a serial up on Pathfinder Tales’ Web Fiction site–the story is called “Mother Bears,” and the third and final installment comes out this Wednesday. If you’re up for some fun adventure, I recommend it!

And if you’re interested in learning a little bit about the writing process for this piece, I blogged about it here.

I wrote stuff in 2011!

Whoo-hoooooo! It’s award season! And since I went to WorldCon this year, I actually GET TO NOMINATE for the Hugos again, even though I can’t make it to Chicon (insert sad face here). I’m still mulling over all the possibilities of what I’ll be nominating, so feel free to send me some recommendations!

As for me personally, I did have a few stories published in 2011:

  •  “Cold Iron and Green Vines,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies. (May 2011)
  • “A Tiny Grayness in the Dark,” Subversion. Bart R. Lieb, ed. Crossed Genres. (December 2011)
  • Curvature of the Witch House,” Innsmouth Magazine. (Oct 2011)
  • The Last Doll War,” Three-Lobed Burning Eye. (Sept 2011)
  • “Solitary Instinct,” Beast Within 2. Jennifer Brozek, ed. Graveside Tales. (July 2011)
  • Blue Locks,” Scape. (October 2011)

I think all of these guys are Hugo-eligible, and “Cold Iron” is Nebula-eligible. “Curvature of the Witch House,” “The Last Doll War,” and “Solitary Instinct” would qualify for the Bram Stoker, as they are all dark or horror-licious.  Oh, and I’m in my last year as a contender for John W. Campbell award!


The Year in Review

This was a pretty intense year. A few weeks ago I sat down and made a list of what I accomplished (I was feeling down and as if I hadn’t gotten anything done at all, and then nothing helps that like a list). Here’s what it looked like:

  • I read slush, proofread, and formatted the March 2011 – December 2012 issues of Fantasy Magazine. I also helped with the January and February 2012 issues of Lightspeed. I feel like I learned a very great deal reading all those submissions and reams of older anthologies and magazines. Getting to talk shop with John Joseph Adams every single day taught me loads about stories and the publishing business. I will never forget this year.
  • I wrote and sold my first paid nonfiction pieces, which appeared in Lightspeed, Fantasy, and The Broadsheet.
  • I interviewed some truly amazing authors that I would otherwise never have gotten to talk to.
  • I met all of the Inkpunks and made dozens of new writing friends during my travels to the Rainforest Writers Retreat, Renovation, World Fantasy, and Orycon. I can’t believe how wonderful it is to spend time with kindred spirits!
  • I had my first reading at Powell’s.
  • I sat on my first panels at conventions, and ground my teeth through my first time as a moderator.
  • I sold my first book to Dagan Books.
  • “The Secret of Calling Rabbits” was an honorable mention in Year’s Best SF.
  • I saw my stories published in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Bewere the Night 2, Innsmouth Magazine, Scape, Three-Lobed Burning Eye, and Subversion. I also sold a story to John Joseph Adams’ forthcoming  Armored anthologyIdeomancer and another market.
  • I was just invited to join a super-secret project that I am incredibly excited about.
I am disappointed that I did not finish any novels or revise any novels, but hopefully next year will be a better year for the long form. I am blaming any and all failures on that front to the four months I spent being distracted by wedding planning–after all, I’m pretty sure that getting married was probably the absolute highlight of the year.
I hope that all of you are as excited about 2012 as I am!

Great News for Ghouls!

Holy smokes! Rigor Amortis was just named one of Barnes and Noble’s top ten zombie fiction releases of 2011! You can see the entire list in their zombie fiction article.

I can’t say enough good things about this anthology–it’s sexy, sad, touching, gross, silly, and a whole lot more! I’m very proud to be one of the contributors.

If you don’t already own this one, you can pick it up at B&N or even Powell’s!

Lovecraft inspired

To me, H.P. Lovecraft’s words are powerfully evocative of the chilly spirit of both early autumn and early spring. This is one reason I’m so pleased that a piece I wrote at the Rainforest Writers Village (a wonderful writing retreat that happens every spring up in the Quinault Rainforest) is now available for your autumnal delectation. I was reading a lot of Lovecraft up there in the cold north woods, and it inspired this sequel to “The Dreams in the Witch House.”


I hope you enjoy “Curvature of the Witch House.”

Rahrr! New story available


I don’t know about you, but I’m a sucker for a good werewolf story. Any tale where ordinary people

grow hair and claws and wreak havoc in another shape makes me happy.

That’s why I’m excited to say that the anthology Beast Within 2 was released this week! It features my story “Solitary Instincts,” the story of a werecougar in 22nd century  Portland.

You can order this one from Amazon or from Graveside Tales, but if you buy right now at Graveside, you’ll save $2!


Reading at Powell’s Books

April 22nd, 7 pm
Powell’s Books at Cedar Hills Crossing
3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005

Mark your calendars!

I’m very excited to be part of a great event promoting The Way of the Wizard, the wonderful fantasy anthology edited by John Joseph Adams. I’ll be reading from my story “The Secret of Calling Rabbits,” and the wonderfully talented Christie Yant will be reading from her piece “The Magician and the Maid and Other Stories.”




“Stone Queen”

If you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, my fossil poem, “Stone Queen,” runs through the end of the month at Abyss & Apex.

The poem was inspired by Sue, the T Rex who lives in the Field Museum in Chicago.  I definitely recommend the book Rex Appeal: The Amazing Story of Sue, the Dinosaur That Changed Science, the Law and My Life, by Peter Larson, the man who discovered her (and several other remarkable tyrannosaurus specimens). If you like dinosaurs, the book will fill you with the urge to go dig one up!

Here’s a great picture of Sue in Chicago:

(Photo from Wikimedia Commons, taken by Scott Robert Anselmo)

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