SKINWALKERS reading at Powell’s!

I’m so excited to announce my upcoming reading at Powell’s Books! If you’re an Oregonian, you know that Powell’s is pretty much the mother ship for all things bookish, so you’ll be hanging out with not just me, but some of the coolest book lovers in the Portland area. Join us!  SKINWALKERS clean cover


7 pm, April 4th

Powell’s Books at Cedar Crossing

3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd., Beaverton


Come out and enjoy an evening of adventure!


Just a week and a half until Orycon, my local SF/F convention! Every time I’ve gone, I’ve had a terrific time. Here’s a picture of me from last year:

wendy n totoro

OMIGAWD Totoro!!! (Photo by Remy Nakamura)


I might be having a little too much fun here.


This year it looks like I’ll be on a handful of panels and I’ll be doing a reading, as well. Here’s a run-down of my schedule:


  • 5 pm: CHOOSE A MONSTER & WRITE THEIR STORY, Broadway Room. This one’s for the kiddos! If you have kids, have them stop by and write a mini-masterpiece. Rawr!


  •  1 pm: THE PARANORMAL AS METAPHOR, Ross Island Room. I’ll try not to talk about zombies and werewolves all the damn time, but I can’t promise anything.
  • 7 pm: STRONG CHARACTERS IN SF, Hawthorne Room. How the heck do you write a strong character in a sfnal world?
  • 10 pm: SMUT, GORE, AND MORE, Hamilton Room. My third year in a row on this panel! What does that say about me?


  • 11 am: WRITE WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW, Roosevelt Room. Screw writing what you know, because that’s totally boring.
  • 1 pm: WRITING IN OTHER PEOPLE’S WORLDS, Madison Room. Some really talented franchise writers talk about writing tie-in fiction. Oh, and I’ll be there, too.
  • 2:30 pm: MY READING! You know you don’t want to miss that. It’ll be in Grant, like all the other great readings.
  • 3 pm: GARDENING IN FANTASY LAND, Idaho Room. We’re talking about plants in spec fic–my favorite part of worldbuilding!

Just to warn you what you’re getting into, here’s a picture of me on my very first panel, at WFC 2010:

wfc panel

(Photo by the awesome Christopher Cevasco.)

I may have just said I’d throw someone out of a mother-f***ing helicopter if I thought they were a threat during a zombie attack, but luckily there is no audio recording of this panel.

Anyway, I plan to be quite a bit more sedate at this convention, because I’ll busy racing around like a maniac to catch readings and great panels with people like Jay Lake, Dale Ivan Smith, Liz Argall, and Liz Gorinsky. Also, I hope to catch some presentations about technology and disaster preparation. Plus, there’s a cool masquerade to watch and lots of filking–not to mention the importance of checking out the craft brew tasting party!

This convention is going to be great!





Hi, friends! If any of you will be in the Portland area this weekend and plan to catch Orycon, I’ll be there, too. Here’s my schedule:


Friday (11/2):

2 pm, Ross Island Room

Theme: What is theme and how do you develop it in your writing?


8:30 pm, Grant Room

Reading: a dramatic performance of Lovecraftian Madness … and more.

Don’t miss this one, because it’s going to be blast!


Saturday (11/3):

11 am, Lincoln

Franchise Writing: writing in other people’s worlds.

The other guys on the panel are writers for Star Wars, Star Trek and other big franchises–I can’t wait to hear what they have to say!


2 pm, Lincoln

Stalking the Wild Anthology: tips for success in anthology sales


10 pm, Roosevelt

Smut, Gore and More: the challenges of writing sex and violence


Sunday (11/4):


10 am, Broadway

Fantasy Storytime: knights, dragons and princess stories for kiddos

This one’s for your little munchkins.


See you at the con!

Lovecraft rules!

This weekend was HP Lovecraft Film Festival, and man oh man, it was just as awesome as I hoped it would be. The Lovecraftian community is just such a great group of folks. Also, my lovely and talented friend Molly Tanzer was a guest at the convention, so we finally got to meet in person, which was absolutely divine.

Here’s a great picture of some of us Lovecraft eZine fans sporting our gear:

Me and the cool boys: Nick Gucker, Sam McCanna, Wilum Hopfrog Pugmire, Ross Lockhart, guy whose name I missed

Speaking of Lovecraft eZine, Nick (in the hat) illustrated my story in this month’s issue! I can’t get over how perfect that mushroom guy turned out–exactly as I pictured.

After all the insightful panels, great readings, and terrific films, I feel incredibly inspired to create, and incredibly proud to be a part of the Lovecraftian community. Ia ia Cthulhu fhtagn!

Got tentacles?

Today the fabulous Lovecraft eZine previewed its May issue, featuring all stories by female writers. I’m so excited that my story “God Serum” is going to be one of them!

Here’s the wonderful and slightly eerie cover art for the issue, by my friend and muse, Galen Dara:

I’m also excited because the weekend this story goes live is also the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival! I’m attending on Saturday as a fan, but I hope to run into you!

Reading at Powell’s Books

April 22nd, 7 pm
Powell’s Books at Cedar Hills Crossing
3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005

Mark your calendars!

I’m very excited to be part of a great event promoting The Way of the Wizard, the wonderful fantasy anthology edited by John Joseph Adams. I’ll be reading from my story “The Secret of Calling Rabbits,” and the wonderfully talented Christie Yant will be reading from her piece “The Magician and the Maid and Other Stories.”




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