March is getting busy!

March kicks off with a very fun event at the West Linn public library: the Read Local Author Fair! Looks like about fourteen writers from around the Portland area will be there. Please stop by and talk to us about how we got into the writing business and what we’re reading and writing right now! I know I’ll also be selling books. (Saturday, 3/1, 12 pm, West Linn public library)

I’ll be joining legends Seanan McGuire and Chuck Tingle to talk about horror fiction at Emerald City Comic Con! Our panel is called “Books to Keep You Up at Night” and will also feature Tor Nightfire authors KC Jones and Matthew Lyons. After the panel, join us at the Third Place Books booth where we’ll be signing books and chatting with folks! (Thursday, 3/6; panel at 4pm in Room 343; signing at 5 pm)

I’m nervous and delighted to say I’ve been invited by the Library Foundation of Hillsboro to interview N.K. Jemisin (YES, THAT N.K. JEMISIN) for their big fundraising event of the year! N.K. Jemisin will be attending via Zoom, but you can join me and the library foundation crew LIVE for a terrific time. Get your tickets here. (Saturday, 3/8, ticketed event.)

I’m really looking forward to meeting folks at all these great events!

Willamette Writers is coming up!

I always love the Willamette Writers Conference, and this year looks like it will be another banger. There’s virtual programming and tons of great panels, workshops, and events! I know on Sunday the 6th I’ll be talking about pacing and horror in what I think will be a really fun workshop.

Want to learn more about Oregon’s best writing organization? Check out or look at the conference site itself.

I’m on public radio!

A few weeks ago, my friend Jim Freund (who produces our podcast at Nightmare Magazine) asked me if I’d like to be a guest on his podcast. I was excited about the idea, but I got a little nervous once he told me it was actually a radio show on New York’s WBAI public radio station—and that the show had been running since 1971! My mind was blown when he started talking about all the amazing guests he’s had on the show over the years. If you’ve read a SF/F novel published since 1970, there’s a good chance Jim has had them on the show to chat.

Jim and I had a wonderful conversation about the different kinds of horror and how my goal at the magazine is to find a horror story for everybody. You can listen to our chat here in the WBAI archives!

It’s a packed october!

Festival poster at the Hollywood Theater: You can just see my name on the right-hand side: Wendy Wag.

I was just looking at my calendar for the month, and HOLY BONJOES! I’m doing a lot of stuff right now. I guess that’s what happens when you’re promoting a novel, a novella, and you work in the spooky business.

I had a great time reading at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival, one of my very favorite horror-related events. It was my first trip back to Portland’s iconic Hollywood Theater since the beginning of covid, and it felt like a homecoming. I also just wrapped up an event (virtual, sadly) at Powell’s Books, another place that always feels like home. If you missed it, the event (a fun conversation with Caitlin Starling about her new novel The Death of Jane Lawrence), it’s up on YouTube now!

Here are some of my upcoming events:

10/11, 7 pm Pacific: Scary Stories with Wendy N. Wagner — I talk scary stories and submissions with Willamette Writers. (Suggested $5 donation for non-members.)

10/28, 6 pm Pacific: Neon Hemlock Fall Launch Party — Come party Neon Hemlock-style! It’ll be goth-tacular.

10/30, 1 pm Pacific: Body Horror & Speculative Fiction, Barrelhouse Writing Conference — Join fabulous panelists Craig L. Gidney, Suzan Palumbo, Zin E. Rocklyn and I in learning more about body horror. ($70 for the entire writing conference — a bargain!)

10/31, 11 am Pacific: Apex Snap Judgment Panel — A panel of editors listens to your short story submissions and give writing advice. Free and sure to be educational!

So that’s my month! Here’s hoping to see some of you at these fun events. I love hanging out!

Orycon Weekend!

It’s time to gear up for the most fun weekend of the year! That’s right: Orycon weekend!

Orycon is Portland’s local science fiction convention, featuring lots of fantastic literary, gaming, art, and filking activities. This year it’s at the Red Lion Hotel in Jantzen Beach, and it’s sure to be a good time.

I’ll be at the convention, of course. If you’d like to run into me, make sure to make it to one of my events.

Friday, 11/17

6:00 – 6:30 pm
Wendy N. Wagner reading
Come for the chocolate, stay for the weird!

Saturday, 11/18

11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Interactive Writing Workshop
Sarina Dorie, Wendy N. Wagner, Sharon Joss
How do you prepare to write and sell a short story for a market? Come prepared to write!

2:00 – 3:00 pm
Autograph Session
Bring your books and get ’em signed!
Irene Radford, Bruce Taylor/Mr. Magic Realism, Wendy N. Wagner, Timothy Zahn

4:00 – 5:00 pm
Wendy N. Wagner, John M Lovett, Joyce Reynolds-Ward, Pat MacEwen
From Sawney Bean and Sweeney Todd to The Hills Have Eyes and Hannibal, we explore the role of cannibalism in horror literature and film and its historical/anthropological roots.

10:00 pm – midnight
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Brian Hunt, Manny Frishberg, Ethan Siegel, David D. Levine, Randy Henderson, Wendy N. Wagner
A fanish version of the popular improv gameshow.

And although it’s not actually at the con, be sure not to miss the terrific post-Orycon event on Sunday, 11/19!
SF/F Authorfest 11
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Powell’s Books at Cedar Hills
Meet all your favorite NW writers in one terrific location.


August/September Author Events!

After spending most of August relaxing, I’m back to promoting An Oath of Dogs. If you live in the Pacific Northwest and want to hang out, be sure to check out one of these fun events:

8/31 (Thursday), 7pm
Wendy N. Wagner and Spencer Ellsworth: Reading & Word Nerd Gameshow!
Barnes & Noble
Eugene, Oregon

9/1 (Friday),  7 pm
Wendy N. Wagner and Spencer Ellsworth: Reading & Word Nerd Gameshow!
The Book Bin
Salem, Oregon

9/9 (Saturday), 3 pm
Build-a-World Workshop: Join a panel of SF/F writers and learn how to take your crazy ideas and turn them into fully functional fictional worlds.
Rose City Comic Con
Portland, OR

I can’t wait to hang out with Spencer and to share our  crazy books with all of you!


July Author Events!

With An Oath of Dogs coming out on July 4th, I’m bustling around trying to help introduce the book to the world. I’ve got a couple of events coming up in July.

For those of you outside the Pacific Northwest, I’ll be doing hanging out on the Science Fiction subReddit on Wednesday, July 5th–ask me anything!

If you live in the Pacific Northwest and want to hang out, be sure to check out these live events:

7/6 (Thursday), 7 pm

Wendy N. Wagner Lets the Dogs Out: A reading with trivia and prizes!
University Bookstore, U District Store
Seattle, WA

7/9 (Sunday), 2 pm

Wendy N. Wagner Signing & Meet-and-Greet
Ledding Library
Milwaukie, OR

7/10 (Monday), 7:30 pm

Wendy N. Wagner Unplugged: A reading with trivia and prizes!
Powell’s Books on Hawthorne
Portland, OR

I’m also hitting up Salem and Eugene the end of August, so keep your eyes peeled for more fun events.

And don’t forget: If you really want my signature for your copy of An Oath of Dogs, but you can’t make it to any live events, just contact me for a free signed bookplate!


Every year on Easter weekend, science fiction and fantasy fans gather in the Seattle area to celebrate everything fun about SFF. This will be my first trip to Norwescon, and I’m really looking forward to it. It looks to be a busy con, as I’ve got lots of panels and a reading on Saturday (where you can hear a little snippet of An Oath of Dogs).

Here’s my schedule:


Worldbuilding: Coin of the Realm
1:00pm – 2:00pm @ Poolside1
Laura Anne Gilman (M), Nancy Kress, Renee Stern, Wendy N. Wagner
Art and Craft Open Time (Kids programming)
2:30pm – 3:30pm @ Olympic 1
Wendy N. Wagner, Adia, Raven J. Demers
Koffee Klatsch: Wendy N. Wagner
5:00pm – 6:00pm @ Pro Suite
Wendy N. Wagner (M)
Dress-up RPG/Intro to RPG (Kids Programming)
6pm -7 pm @ Olympic 1
(I’ll be helping talented author and storytime expert Dale Ivan Smith, so this should be really fun for your little ones!)
Grounded Sci-Fi
9:00pm – 10:00pm @ Poolside0
Liz Argall (M), Crystal Connor, Wendy N. Wagner, Marc Gascoigne


Why Editors Pass
11:00am – 12:00pm @ Evergreen 3&4
Wendy N. Wagner (M), Gordon Van Gelder, Marc Gascoigne, Patrick Swenson, Shannon Page
Reading:  Wendy N. Wagner
12:30pm – 1:00pm @ Cascade 2
Wendy N. Wagner (M)
Autograph Session 1
2:00pm – 3:00pm @ Grand 2
Ethan Siegel, Ian McDonald, Catska Ench, Cory Ench, Nancy Kress, Marc Gascoigne, Mike Underwood, Carol Berg, Alex Irvine, Annie Bellet, Caroline M. Yoachim, Curtis C. Chen, Dean Wells, Greg Bear, Jack Skillingstead, James C. Glass, Jeff Sturgeon, John Cramer, Kat Richardson, Lee Moyer, Nathan Crowder, Nisi Shawl, Peter Orullian, Randy Henderson, Scott James Magner, Todd Lockwood, Tori Centanni, Wendy N. Wagner, PJ Manney, Julie McGalliard, Crystal Connor, David D. Levine
First Page Idol
5:00pm – 6:00pm @ Cascade 9
Curtis C. Chen (M), Wendy N. Wagner, Patrick Swenson, Mark Teppo
If you’ll be at Norwescon, stop by and say hi!

First trip to Emerald City Comicon!

I’m pretty stoked! Emerald City Comicon is coming up next month, and I get to be on two panels!! [Two panels = two exclamation points.]

I’d never been to a comicon before Rose City Comicon last September, which was a fun/overwhelming/exhausting experience. I got worn out just walking around in the crowds. Emerald City is much bigger, so I’m glad I got to practice at RCCC.
ECCCIf you’ll be at the con on Thursday (3/2) and find yourself looking for some fun panels, be sure to stop by:

Build-a-World Workshop
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
WSCC 603

Inconceivable!: A Game of Nerdery and Nonsense
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (in the program as 3:45, but we moved it back 15 minutes)
WSCC 617

Off to HP Lovecraft FilmFest!

I’ll be spending the next few days at the ever-fantastic HP Lovecraft Film Festival. It’s always a fun time, and there are tons of great movies and panels I can’t wait to catch.

If you want to catch up with me, here’s my schedule:

Friday, 4-6 pm
Meet-n-Greet at Sam’s Billiards.

Saturday, 10 am
Carbload for Cthulhu Mass Signing (at the EOD)

Saturday, 10pm
Weird Tales: Beyond HP (at the EOD)

Sunday, 8pm
Teaching History Through Games (at the EOD)

Sunday, 9:30 pm
Reading with Andrew S. Fuller and Adam Scott Glancy (at the EOD)

It ought to be tentacular!

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