The first of February is always exciting for those of us working in science fiction, horror, and fantasy — it’s the day the Locus Recommended Reading List drops! It’s always a veritable compendium of delights, and I try to devour as many of the horror novels on the list as possible.

Today I was delighted to see that a story I edited — “The Sound of Children Screaming,” by Rachael K. Jones, made the list. But I was EVEN MORE EXCITED to see that my story “An Infestation of Blue” was on there, too!
“An Infestation of Blue” appeared in the Nov/Dec issue of Analog, which they have kindly made available to read for free on their site.
This story was inspired by my wonderful dog Beansy, and everything I’ve learned about dogs and their neurology/psychology. I am so grateful for her and all the joy she brings me every single day!