I’m really excited about the new writing workshop I’m offering through Clarion West this fall. It’s called “Does This Come in Another Size?” and it’s for writers who are thinking about making the jump from short fiction to novel writing … or for writers who have been working in novels but might benefit from creating short fiction. Here’s the class description:
Have you ever written a short story only to be told you’ve written the first chapter of a novel? This four-session workshop will help you decide what to do when you’re in that situation—and how to maneuver your terrific ideas into the forms that fits them best.
Over the course of four weeks, we’ll use discussion and critique to delve into what makes a terrific first chapter of a novel and contrast it to the shape of a stand-out short story. We’ll also explore audience expectations, the creative life, and our relationships to our craft. Come build your craft in a small, fun community!
We’ll meet the first Tuesday in October, then take a week off to work on projects that we’ll then bring back to the group to share and discuss. The course covers 4 Tuesdays (10/6, 10/18, 10/25, and 11/1), and there are some free seats available. For more information, check out: clarionwest.org/find/does-this-come-in-another-size-with-wendy-wagner